About Me
Hey there, and welcome to my website!
I enjoy RPGs, Card Games, and making those types of games! I'm usually working on some small
project and writing way too much world building for the few characters there!
I'm currently working on a few "micro" projects, and will update this page as I go. I was working on a
project called Blade of Roland, though after a few getting somewhat
bored on the project (and realising my lack of animation skill) I have decided to suspend it. Right now
I'm working on a "morrowind"-like game, though it's very early into just planning.
Below are some example projects for you to look at and/or play, feel free to take a look! If you want
to see other examples of work, then feel free to look at the projects button
in the NavBar.
Email: work@alexanderconn.comTwitter: @MentalReaper_GD
GitHub: Mentalreaper
YouTube: @alex-conn